Wednesday, July 10, 2013

{No. 17} Inspiration for your normal sized closet

we bought a place at the beach. i have a husband who happens to be in an industry where he receives a lot of clothes and shoes, and needs these items at his disposal. he gets the only closet in our new room. i get to build one for me! well, i get to customize and design it and we have a carpenter doing the real labor that i refuse to do (probably for good reason).

most closet makeovers seem to be for a closet the size of a master bedroom. while our room is the size of one of those closets here are some original ideas for modest sized closets...

i am looking forward to my new closet. i picked up rubbermaid's homefree closet system plus lots of fun add-ons from lowes last weekend. 
be sure to follow lollipops for the upcoming before and after pics.

i hope you had a wonderful 4th and i can't wait to be inspired by your loves today!