Wednesday, August 21, 2013

{No. 22} School Lunch Ideas

school starts next week for us and i am looking forward to enjoying the silence :)
i love my kids, but this mama needs a little break every now and then.

when it comes to their lunches i fall into the habit of throwing in a bag of chips, juice box, an apple,
and a string cheese (they won't eat a conventional sandwich). not the best, really.

i love being inspired by these fun school lunch ideas. and they are so much better...

this is awesome! perfect for my non-sandwich kids

this is yummy from Simple as That. look at those pizza rolls!
recipe link below...

she makes these pizza rolls ahead of time and freezes them
pops them into the kids lunches straight from the freezer... Simple as That!
here's the recipe. so easy and perfect! i can't wait to make these!

some of these ideas have spurred inspiration for my own lunches :)
have a great day!
i can't wait to see what you're loving!
